Several questions to consider in light of the Great Commission, Commandment and Concern:

1) Are you discipling someone?
Who is the LORD putting on your heart to enter into this relationship with?  This includes those on your team and others who you encounter outside your team.  Pray until the LORD reveals who.

2) Are you being discipled? Who in your life can invest in your continual spiritual growth?  Pray until the LORD reveals who.

3) Is your city involved in discipleship training of your partners? Does your city have capacity? Can you join with another city that is or has done the training if your city is just starting or has capacity challenges? 
  • Try investigating and implementing best practices from other cities. (Note: The Orlando Team lead by Karen Akers did a pretty simple and creative approach to exposing their Partners to Discipleship training. She is willing to share the wealth.)

4.) Set a PDP goal for yourself relating to discipleship. (This is to be followed up by your Supervisor.)